在荧幕上,他是个无所不能的超级英雄,总能在最后一刻拯救世界,但每次拍摄结束后,他总是第一个冲向化妆间,由于他急着变回那个连晚餐都煮糊的普通人。 Carrie and Justin Palmer are the perfect couple to everyone around them. Or so it seems. They recently celebrated ten years of marriage and are talking about starting a family. After a wine filled evening, Carrie's girlfriends press her to share who her "hall pass" would be. Carrie admits that she has had a crush on famed rocker, Dante Jones, since she was in college but would never betray Justin if given the opportunity. After a business trip to Vegas and a chance meeting with Dante himself after his concert, her obsession suddenly becomes his. Carrie does everything in her power to keep her secret away from her friends and more importantly, Justin, but Dante's stalking and relentless infatuation becomes all-consuming and far too dangerous to hide.
2024-10-11 10:53:15,最后更新于 5月前